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Showing posts from July, 2020

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It feels like we have been taken on some trip where we get to see all that we have done and not done.  All that we should have done and all that we shouldn't have done.  2020 feels like a house of mirrors. No matter which side you turn, you see a reflection of you staring right back at you. And you can hear your Soul screaming 'CHANGE!'. Yes, change. It is one thing that is constant, inevitable and yet so difficult to accept. It is always for our betterment. Yet the fear of pain, of loss, or perhaps of being left out that makes us hold on to our old self. Being accepted by our family, our friend circle, our partner, our children, and our society holds more importance than we accepting our true self and standing by our decisions. Whom are we trying to fool here? God knows best. Right now the world economy is down. People are dying not only because they are covid positive, but because they are lonely, cheated, deprived, CAGED. A human mind that was once free to do anything an