Today's Weddings are like Fashion Shows. Everyone is trying hard to look their best. Some may revamp their old outfits while others may borrow from their friends and squeeze into them while many may buy new designer clothes. For many it is like the more the bling and work, the better and trendy it is..... In this made up competition one fails to appreciate their true beauty though deep down they know that actual beauty lies in simplicity. So wear on your best Smile no matter how simple your outfit is and look like a Diva.
Heartiest Congratulations to the beautiful Rochelle Maria Rao on winning the Miss India International title at the Pantaloons Femina Miss India 2012. All the very best and God Bless You. I met her for the Goa Navy Queen Pageant in Dec'11 as she was the emcee for the show; and she carried my saree so gracefully. She is a beautiful person and I wish her all the luck.
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